CalTURN Blog Posts

The labor-management teams at this CalTURN meeting are sharing successes and lessons learned as they go along in this evolving policy landscape. ...

Charter Schools and Segregation

The concept of choice is hard to argue with - everyone likes choice, and it shouldn't only be reserved for the wealthy; the execution of that idea in policy is a challenging proposition fraught with r...

Learning Forward Conference Wrap-Up

Better late than never, and following a tragic loss of an unsaved draft, this post will conclude my review of session at the Learning Forward Conference in Nashville. I attended Monday through Wednes...

VAM on Trial (Re-posted from InterACT)

In New York right now, a teacher is suing the state over the use of value-added measures in teacher evaluations, claiming that the current system “actually punishes excellence in education through a...

Principals Need Support Too

Here’s a short but important story from Marketplace, the business radio program from American Public Media: “The high cost of principal turnover”